Monday 16 September 2024

My £2 a Day Food Shopping Challenge


With the colder weather coming and feeling a bit lethargic at the end of a Summer that we never really had, I decided to set myself a Challenge.  

A proper Challenge just like I used to do on my 'Challenging Myself' blog.  It's one that I will post about each and every day just after it happens all through this week.  And this challenge is:

My £2 a Day Food Shopping Challenge

My very first challenge on that old blog (which is always in the Blog List on my sidebar), was in 2018 and was a £1 a day food challenge aptly called 'The Eating for £1 Per Day Challenge'.  That one was done by buying all the four weeks worth of food in virtually one go and then using it over the course of the twenty eight days that the challenge lasted for.  Then in 2021 I did another low budget challenge, 'The £3 a Day Challenge' but this one was going out just before each meal armed with a £1 coin to see what I could buy for each meal ... so I shopped three times a day.  Luckily I lived just across the road from Sainsbury's then!

So this time I decided to switch things up a bit, allow for inflation and go for a £2 per day challenge, with each new amount being available one day at a time.

I decided to allow myself the luxury of a very basic pantry.

Instant coffee, olive oil, salt and pepper, mixed herbs, chilli flakes, garlic granules and a tub of stock powder.  That's it ... I did say basic.  😁

Here are the rules that I gave myself for the £3 a day challenge, slightly modified to fit this new one:

I will go out each day armed with my shopping bag and £2.

Any change can be carried forward to the next day.

Any food not consumed can be carried forward to the next day.

Yellow stickered foods are allowed, indeed they are positively encouraged.

I will take photos of the shopping and of any meals prepared from it.

I will post at least once daily for the whole week.

I hope this all makes sense, any questions please feel free to ask today and I will try and answer them.

Sue xx

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