Tuesday 17 September 2024

My £2 a Day Shopping Challenge - Day One

The Plan

Things didn't go exactly to plan, as when I got to Sainsbury's there was no porridge oats available, except for some very expensive ones. Thinking on the spot, I decided that a cheap loaf and a pot of jam would make for at least a week's worth of breakfasts. There was no cheap bread or jam either!!

 Is this a sign of things to come I wonder, all the cheapest things slowly vanishing, or is it just that they are now the first things to be snapped up when they are available? 

I headed off to Aldi, which happily is on my way home from Sainsbury's, where there seemed to be a bit more stock available.

The Actual Shopping

The couple of things from Aldi are on the left, and the rest are from Sainsbury's where it is still possible to buy loose vegetables.

The Receipts

Items Purchased

500g SR Flour - 45p
2 Onions - 19p
3 Carrots - 14p
1 Potato - 33p
454g Strawberry Jam - 39p
Bread - 22 slices - 47p

 Day One Shopping = Total Cost £1.97


Breakfast - 2 slices of toast and jam

The makings of lunch and tea.

Lunch - Soup 

1 potato

2 carrots

1 onion

Cook with stock, salt and pepper.  Lift out one slotted spoons worth of vegetables and then whizz up smooth with stick blender.  

Served with croutons made from one of the crusts of the bread, toasted.

A large slotted spoons worth of the vegetables were removed from the pan to use for the pasty.

Tea - Vegetable Pasty

Make pastry with 100g flour and 50g oil.  Fill with vegetables reserved from lunchtime.  

I'll be honest and say that my pastry didn't work out as well as it usually does.  It's been a while since I've made pastry with oil so it could just have been that, I first stated doing this after reading one of Thrifty Lesley's posts many moons ago, and have only used this recipe when I have had no hard fat available.  

Anyway I made enough for my tea and managed to eat most of it.

Leftovers carried forward:

19 slices of Bread


400g SR Flour

1 Onion

1 Carrot


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